(702) 877-0222
6008 S. Ft. Apache Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89148

Pro AV Catalog
411 South Pearl Street
Spiceland, IN 47385
United States

Draper, Inc.

Draper, Inc. creates core, advanced, and tailored solutions for the pro audiovisual marketplace, including projection screens, mounts and structures for LED and LCD, projector enclosures and lifts, window shades, and videoconferencing solutions. Established in 1902, Draper markets through a network of dealers and distributors to commercial, architectural, educational, and residential markets.

Model: Acumen® E

Acumen® E presents an attractive surface mounted projection screen designed to meet the demand of heavy use yet fit seamlessly into today's elegant interiors.
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Feature Review: UL-Listed M12 Connector Cables
Posted on Monday, October 19, 2020
In this video, we will highlight updates to the Draper line of M12 Connector Cables to include visible UL-Listed labels to more readily pass through the inspection process.